Your Fans Are With You

Soccer legend Mia Hamm has been a passionate advocate for the bone marrow transplant (BMT) community since she lost her brother after he underwent a BMT more than 25 years ago.

For many people undergoing a BMT, their fight doesn’t end after the transplant. While a BMT might cure their condition, there are serious complications that could follow—such as graft-versus-host disease, also known as GVHD.

GVHD is a life-threatening and potentially chronic condition that occurs when donor cells attack the recipient's organs and tissues after a BMT. The damage caused by GVHD can severely impact a person’s daily life, and for some, it can even be deadly.

Through partnerships like this one, we aim to raise awareness of GVHD as a potential complication of a BMT and its signs and symptoms. Early action to manage GVHD and its symptoms may help prevent long-term consequences.

We want to remind those with GVHD that their fans—including those of us at Incyte—are here to support them.

Watch the video below and visit to learn more.

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